The Rancho Bernardo Community Planning Board is an elected board of representatives from the seven districts of Rancho Bernardo. Ten members are chosen by the residents each year on the third Thursday of March. The board consists of 20 elected members, each serving two year terms.

The Rancho Bernardo Community Planning Board is chartered by the City of San Diego to advise the Planning Commission, the City Council and other city and county departments concerning land use issues. The Board has standing committees to review residential, commercial or industrial developments, open space matters, traffic and transportation issues, and concerns as to compliance with city codes. Its primary purpose is to enforce the Rancho Bernardo Community Plan, thereby preserving property values and the Rancho Bernardo lifestyle.

The Rancho Bernardo Community Planning Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at 

the following location:

Bernardo Heights Community Center 16150 Bernardo Heights Pkwy San Diego 92128

*Please note new address*

Current Calendar:

Traffic and Transportation Committee: Monday, March 3rd - Adjourned

Development Review Committee: Tuesday, March 4th - 6pm (See agenda for meeting location)

Regional Issues Committee: March 4th - Adjourned

Full Board Meeting: Thursday March 20th - 6:30pm (Bernardo Heights Community Center)